Edge Appearance - Colors

Edge - Colors
The Node Appearance - Colors setting panel controls the background color and halo color for nodes.  The Node Background is painted as a solid rounded rectangle and the Node Halo is painted as a translucent shape of the same color behind the node halo.

Edge Type Colors

1. Edge Type Colors
The colors in the Edge Type Colors table indicate a "single" color for all edges of that type.
  • The color displayed in this table will be used as long as the Edge Color By table says "Single" in the Color By dropdown for this edge type.
  • Clicking / Selecting a row in this table will change the selection in the Edge Type combo box in the table to the right.

Edge Color By

Attribute / Endpoint

2. Edge Color By
Attribute / Endpoint
The Edge Type combo box indicates that we are specifying how edges of this type will be colored.
The Color By combo box indicates how edges of this type will be colored.  Possible Color By values are:
  • Single: Edges will be colored as indicated in the Edge Type Colors table on the left.
  • Endpoint: Edges will be colored based on the color of the node at their endpoint.
  1. If the Edge is a relation between two different entity types, you can select to color the edge by either of the endpoint types.
  2. If the Edge is a directed relation, on can color the edge by the source endpoint or the destination endpoint.
  3. Undirected edges can not be colored by endpoint because the endpoints may be different colors.
  • Attribute: Edges will be colored based on their value for the specified Attribute.

Default button

3.  Default button
When the Color By value is changed, and a relation attribute is selected all colors are gray by default.
  • Default: Selecting Default will change all colors back to the default gray color.