Edge Appearance - Width / Pattern
The Node Appearance - Edge Width / Pattern setting panel controls the width and pattern of edges as well as their visibility.
 Edge Type
The first column shows the edge type which the controls in that row apply to.
 Width Attribute
The multiplier value is applied to the width attribute to establish the width of the edge.
The multiplier slider is proportional to an exponent of the multiplier value. Moving the slider left to right changes the multiplier value from 0.001 to 0.1 to 10 to 1,000
By default edge bodies are solid, but you can use this dropdown to make them dashed or dotted.
 Show Edge
The show edge setting controls how the edge is painted in the graph.
When show edge is checked, the edge is always visible
When show edge is un-checked, the edge is only visible when the mouse is over an endpoint of the edge.
The Show Edge setting is different from the inclusion setting; hidden edges are simply not displayed, but are still part of the graph and affect the graph layout.