Our Clients: Selected Client List
We have continuously impressed our clients with solutions that bring their information to life.
InterPublic Group

Advertisers have traditionally used Nielsen data to measure the popularity of television programs. However, this data also contains a hidden trove of relational information that reveals a great deal about the shows' audiences. With TouchGraph's help, IPG was able to harness the value of their data by seeing relationships and clustering of shows based on similar audience preferences. More detailed IPG Case Study

Friendster used TouchGraph to allow members to visualize their social networks, and view the neighborhoods of social ties formed by their relationships. TouchGraph is perfect for exploring social networks because one can naturally follow friendship links while seeing the big picture of the social fabric.

Bringing people together was the main theme of the Howard Dean campaign. To articulate this theme, the campaign incorporated TouchGraph in one of the first massive online political organizational efforts. Seeing the connections between people in the network of Dean organizers inspired supporters to connect with each other and more effectively mobilize for action.
Natural History Museum

The creators of the Nature Navigator at the British Museum wanted an interactive way to browse through the mass of scientific and common names for organisms and their classifications in the natural world. TouchGraph provided museum visitors with an easy to use interface for exploring biological networks and learning about the relationships between the enormous variety of life forms that inhabit the Earth.